Friday, July 30, 2010

It's all happening.

Here we go. While this is definitely not the craziest thing I have done in my life, it is the craziest thing I have done in my married life. Four months ago yesterday we eloped to Joshua Tree; in two days we leave what few possessions we still have in our friends' basement, pack the car with the essentials, and drive to Arizona. We will take our time getting there, exploring Eastern Oregon, Idaho, and Utah along the way. Then, to Michigan and Ohio to visit his relatives. Then, (and this is where it starts to get good) two months in Central America. We return to the US in early November and have no plans. No jobs lined up, no place to live. I love a fresh start. I thrive on the new and unexpected. I love that it is the way we are starting our married life together. And I can't wait.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

And now, I give you a mug

While I figure out what direction to take this blog, I am going to share one of my favorite etsy purchases with you. A mug. A mug that is pretty and has a lid and will get you a lot of people asking where you got it (if you live in Central Oregon, not sure if it will produce the same reaction elsewhere).

Picture and mug via Appleware Pottery

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

An Introduction

Howdy. I am starting a blog with vague intentions. I have been reading blogs from some amazing women since getting engaged. Well, I am married now, and feel that documenting our adventures might be nice. Also, feeling like less of a lurker on their blogs and more of a contributor to the world of information out there might be nice. So, yeah, that is my way of introduction. Welcome, and even if I am just writing this for myself, I think it's gonna be a good time.